On Tue, 2019-11-26 at 22:48 -0700, Eric Eberhard wrote:
> Thank you much.  I am on AIX (IBM). 

OK. Check the man page for malloc
    man 3 malloc
and see if there are environment variables to check each allocation.

Years ago (1980s) i ended up writing wrappers around malloc and free
that took an extra string argument to identify the object, so i could
count and see which objects were leaking!

> I really appreciate your giving me those function names -- I will
> Google them and see if they work on AIX.
If not, maybe you could simulate 10,000 documents and see what happens?

> AIX has "dbx" as the debugger .. being old I am not good at it and
> tend to use debug code rather than depend on the dbx.  I don't even
> know how to ask dbx to tell me what my memory usage is.
I don't know if it can.

> I will report back to the group when done and solved.  
> Have a GREAT Thanksgiving,

Thanks! (that was in October here :D but happy US Thanksgiving to you)


Liam Quin, https://www.delightfulcomputing.com/
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