On 25/02/13 18:06, Ariel T. Glenn wrote:
> I have the files from the February run for en wikipedia converted here:
> http://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/experimental/
> In the sqlfiles directory are the page, revision and text tables in sql
> format for MediaWiki 1.20, and in the tabfiles directory are all the
> tables needed or a mirror (I omitted images, oldimages and a couple
> others) converted to tab delimted format for use with LOAD DATA INFILE
> for MySQL.
> The contents may be garbage etc. etc. so be forewarned.  Please check
> them out and let me know how they are.
> While I'll leave the files there for awhile, they won't be there
> forever, so don't be surprised if in the future they disappear.
> Missing is a script to write the tab delimted files to a fifo in
> reasnably sized chunks.  I am told that percona has something like this
> if it turns out to make a difference in import speed/memory.
> Don't forget to make sure your client and server character sets are set
> up correctly, that you've disabled foreign key checks etc. etc. before
> attemptgin to shovel the data in.
> Happy trails,
> Ariel

I have a similar script that I could adapt.

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