
I am not sure, but to me it looks like the problem on HTTP level (guess
404). Also I would try to capture the good case (with C++ client) and the
bad case (Java) with Wireshark / snoop and compare the HTTP request.
However it looks strange, but I would guess some different interpretation of


On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 18:31, Lars Schnoor <lars.schn...@ifad.dk> wrote:

> Hi
> I am not sure if I can come with any useful for you, but I would try
> changing the argument to you function call from Vector to Object[]. My
> server runs Apaches XML-RPC and I have managed to use it with both xml-rpc
> for c and for c++.
> Lars
> Arne Kalaghan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have problems connecting an apache java xml-rpc client with a xmlrpc-c
>> C++ xml-rpc server (system is ubuntu linux 8.04).
>> The client code is modified from the first example at
>> http://www.wordtracker.com/docs/api/ch03s02.html.
>> The server code is
>> http://xmlrpc-c.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xmlrpc-c/trunk/examples/cpp/xmlrpc_sample_add_server.cpp?revision=1083&view=markup
>> When running the client (after server is started) I get:
>> Exception
>> in thread "main" org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcHttpTransportException:
>> HTTP server returned unexpected status: Not Found
>>    at
>> org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcSunHttpTransport.getInputStream(XmlRpcSunHttpTransport.java:94)
>>    at
>> org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcStreamTransport.sendRequest(XmlRpcStreamTransport.java:152)
>>    at
>> org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcHttpTransport.sendRequest(XmlRpcHttpTransport.java:115)
>>    at
>> org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcSunHttpTransport.sendRequest(XmlRpcSunHttpTransport.java:69)
>>    at
>> org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientWorker.execute(XmlRpcClientWorker.java:56)
>>    at org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient.execute(XmlRpcClient.java:167)
>>    at org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient.execute(XmlRpcClient.java:158)
>>    at org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient.execute(XmlRpcClient.java:147)
>>    at test.apachexmlrpc.Client.main(Client.java:9)
>> The
>> java client can communicate with a server from the same apache package,
>> and the C++ server can communicate with a C++ client from the same
>> xmlrpc-c package. What can be the reason for the incompatibilities
>> between java and C++?
>> Here are the sources for completeness:
>> Java client Client.java:
>> ================
>> import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient;
>> import java.util.Vector;
>> public class Client {
>>    public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {
>>        XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient( "http://localhost:8080/";
>> );
>>        Vector params = new Vector();
>>        params.addElement( 5 );
>>        params.addElement( 7 );
>>        Object result = client.execute( "sample.add", params );
>>        if ( result != null )
>>            System.out.println( "Successfully pinged guest account." );
>>    }
>> }
>> C++ server xmlrpc_sample_add_server.cpp:
>> ================================
>> #include <cassert>
>> #include <stdexcept>
>> #include <iostream>
>> #ifdef WIN32
>> #  include <windows.h>
>> #else
>> #  include <unistd.h>
>> #endif
>> #include <xmlrpc-c/base.hpp>
>> #include <xmlrpc-c/registry.hpp>
>> #include <xmlrpc-c/server_abyss.hpp>
>> using namespace std;
>> #ifdef WIN32
>>  #define SLEEP(seconds) SleepEx(seconds * 1000);
>> #else
>>  #define SLEEP(seconds) sleep(seconds);
>> #endif
>> class sampleAddMethod : public xmlrpc_c::method {
>> public:
>>    sampleAddMethod() {
>>        // signature and help strings are documentation -- the client
>>        // can query this information with a system.methodSignature and
>>        // system.methodHelp RPC.
>>        this->_signature = "i:ii";
>>            // method's result and two arguments are integers
>>        this->_help = "This method adds two integers together";
>>    }
>>    void
>>    execute(xmlrpc_c::paramList const& paramList,
>>            xmlrpc_c::value *   const  retvalP) {
>>        int const addend(paramList.getInt(0));
>>        int const adder(paramList.getInt(1));
>>        paramList.verifyEnd(2);
>>        *retvalP = xmlrpc_c::value_int(addend + adder);
>>        // Sometimes, make it look hard (so client can see what it's like
>>        // to do an RPC that takes a while).
>>        if (adder == 1)
>>            SLEEP(2);
>>    }
>> };
>> int main(int           const,     const char ** const) {
>>    try {
>>        xmlrpc_c::registry myRegistry;
>>        xmlrpc_c::methodPtr const sampleAddMethodP(new sampleAddMethod);
>>        myRegistry.addMethod("sample.add", sampleAddMethodP);
>>        xmlrpc_c::serverAbyss myAbyssServer(
>>            myRegistry,
>>            8080,              // TCP port on which to listen
>>            "/tmp/xmlrpc_log"  // Log file
>>            );
>>        myAbyssServer.run();
>>        // xmlrpc_c::serverAbyss.run() never returns
>>        assert(false);
>>    } catch (exception const& e) {
>>        cerr << "Something failed.  " << e.what() << endl;
>>    }
>>    return 0;
>> }
>> Kind regards,
>> A. Kalaghan

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