> It does look a lot like Insanity, and if that's the general direction
> you're
> headed in, Sham and I would be happy to have you help out on
> insanity. :)

Well, the main difference is that Insanity is GTK/Python, and Blastwave
GTK/C so I don't think I could be of any assistance:) What's
interesting, I haven't seen Insanity before I started writing my own
client - good to know that someone has a similar idea of what an xmms2
client should look like.

When it comes to features/looks of the app, nothing is certain yet as
it's in the pre-dev phase, but introducing some foobar2k feats is pretty
tempting and I'm considering to implement them.

Note: my client is not 'offical', and the earlier posts of mine are NOT
an announcement;) I might never show it to the world actually (read: not
in it;s current state) :)


Maciej Podkomorzy : [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Jabber : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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