On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:09 PM, Daniel Chokola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Svensson wrote:
>> Everyone should try out my waf branch. It contains the upgrade from
>> 1.2.somethingunknown to latest 1.5.1+bugfixes.
> 1) General gripe: the configuration output is very inconsistent. Not all
> lines are prefixed with "Checking for " and responses aren't just "not

How is two lines "very inconsistent"?

> found" or "ok." Example:
> Checking for neuros-cooler-media         : not found
> Checking for libmpg123 >= 1.5.1          : fail
> boost headers                             : Version 1_34_1 (/usr/include)
> library boost_signals                     : ok
> Checking for program python-config-2.5    : not found
> Checking for header Python.h              : Could not find the python
> development headers
> 2) Build fails when using distcc. (i.e. CC='distcc gcc' CXX='distcc g++')
> [  9/318] winrc: pixmaps/xmms2.rc -> _build_/default/pixmaps/xmms2.rc.o
> /bin/sh: -I/home/dan/projects/xmms2/puzzles/pixmaps: No such file or
> directory

Never tried with distcc, haven no setup here. Patches welcomed.
xmms2.rc shouldn't be built on Linux, so that's a bug.

Daniel Svensson

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