At Tue, 10 Feb 2009 02:19:21 +0100, Johannes Jordan wrote:

> Is there any schedule for the next release? Any rule on how often 
> releases happen or what criterion justifies a release? (I guess this 
> would be part of the aformentioned development guidelines)
> What work is needed in which areas? What about Project Status page (last 
> edit 2006)?


As mentioned by others, there's a roadmap on the Mantis, but we should
try to maintain a DR page in advance, like we did for previous
releases iirc?  tru?

We also decided to write down better descriptions of the projets that
are cooking, so people can easily learn about them.

I still need to read nesciens' examples of Coll2.0 queries.  nesciens,
feel free to also describe what we discussed at FOSDEM (source
goodness, tokens, string table, etc) either on the ML or the wiki!

I'll write a blog post about more of this general stuff, and the ideas
about the GUI client.

Sébastien Cevey /

" Am I not merciful? "
Joaquin Phoenix (Commodus)  [ Gladiator ]

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