On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 07:19:46AM +0100, Daniel Svensson wrote:
> Your program needs to be running some kind of mainloop, like the glib
> one, for asynchronos calls to function. See the tutorials in
> git://git.xmms.se/xmms2/xmms2-tutorial.git for examples on how to
> accomplish this.
        Thank you for the reply.  I'd already looked at those in detail
(excellent tutorials, BTW), but it wasn't clear from the disconnect callback
that a mainloop was required.

        After mucking around with it some more today, I discovered to my
dismay that, once you use any asynchronous feature on a connection, you must
do everything on that connection asynchronously, which is a drag.  I later
discovered this is briefly mentioned as an aside in one of the tutorials.

        However, I also discovered that, even in a synchronous setting, the
disconnect callback will be invoked once the moment you try and do anything
with a dead connection.  As it turns out, this is sufficient for my
purposes, and synchronous code flow is much easier to follow.  Hopefully
this usage won't make the library maintainers cringe.

        In all other respects, the library has behaved as advertised, and
has been very simple and straightforward to write to.  I can now control the
xmms2d server using the media keys on my keyboard.  Thanks to all involved
for the good work.


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