On 11/06/2011 10:52 AM, Daniel Svensson wrote:

While the patch is a pretty nice cleanup. We've actually been
discussing breaking that stuff out in an .xml-file or something so
that we generate both the command-hook-up code *and* parts of the
man-page. It's extremly painful to keep them in sync which we
experienced just ahead of the 0.8 DrO_o release. But now that I'm
thinking about it, perhaps going with your patch, and then simply
scraping the macros might be the way to go, so you don't need an extra
file when you hack on the cli. What do you think?

I personnally prefer the xml file solution. I find the macro version harder to read than the current hand-written expanded definitions. CLI_SETUP_SIMPLE is simple enough to not obfuscate what it does.

Also, an xml file may require some effort to write it in the first place, but it is self explanatory and doesn't require to look at the spec (macro definition) to have a clue of what each line means. And extending the dtd can also be easier since you don't always need to edit every single data block right away, as long as you can fallback to some default value. And for the last pro-xml argument: What about the parser ? Writting and maintaining an extra parser for thoses macros would require much more effort than writting the xml file and a script that use an existing xml DOM parser.

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