On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 05:32:32PM +0300, Tiago Vignatti wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 04:24:04PM +0200, ext Vincent Torri wrote:
> > On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> > > Given what I learned on the xwininfo port I took a quick pass across
> > > the rest of the X.Org app/* modules to see what it would take to port
> > > each to xcb.
> > >
> > > I am *not* volunteering to do these all, just offering some insight into
> > > which are going to be easier/harder/not possible and hoping that others
> > > will step up to do some of these.
> > >
> > > At least at a quick glance, I think these could be fairly straightforward
> > > to port to XCB, though whether it's worth the effort for all of them is
> > > debatable:
> > >
> > >    backlight, ico, xcmsdb, xcompmgr, xdriinfo, xhost, xinit, xkill,
> > >    xrandr, xrdb, xrefresh, xrestop, xsetroot, xshowdamage, xstdcmp,
> > >    xvinfo, xwd, xwud
> > 
> > Arnaud Fontaine wrote an XCB-based composite manager. Is it necessary to 
> > port xcompmgr ?
> xcompmgr is a nice example of a tiny compositor manager. My quickly at
> Arnaud's tells that it isn't that much.

Mm, there's a lot in xcompmgr that makes it a great example of how not
to design a compositing manager.  Unless you don't care in the least
about efficiency or aesthetics (which is sort of the point of a compmgr).


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