On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Jim Gettys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My point is really to compare apples to apples; generally, once running
> X, you also are interested in running GTK/Qt based toolkits, which may
> have stronger requirements on libc than X does.  So blindly saying
> "uClibc is smaller, so it must save space" doesn't necessarily follow.
> Some more careful analysis is in order.

You're right. I meant to imply that there are situations where that
makes a difference, not that it is universally a good idea.

I personally am looking at doing a Linux 2.4.x + uClibc + KDrive (or
Xorg; you have me reconsidering now) + FLTK setup, without Gtk or Qt
present at all. Obviously, that is not the normal situation for most

> So make the configuration static, or even build Xorg statically.

I assume then that the problems I read about had more to do with the
particular build that some distribution shipped than anything else.
Fair enough. :-)

> When keithp and I were working on Kdrive on the iPAQ years ago, we had
> 16 meg of RAM.  I think the IBM watch had 8 meg.
> But that isn't where most of the RAM goes anyway.

Let's see, firefox-bin is "only" using 237m on my primary system right
now. (In its defense, I have sixteen tabs open.)

So, I have *no* idea what you're talking about ... ;-)

William Tracy
Vice President, Cal Poly Linux Users' Group
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