On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 01:59:15PM -0400, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> I know very well that CAB is the kill switch, but it just occurred to
> me that it triggered by accident nevertheless. I was editing around
> in a graphical editor, where word-based movement is done with Ctrl.
> Certain commands require Shift and Alt to be held down too, and
> removing words is done traditionally with Backspace. Don't ask how
> exactly, but in this twirl it _just happened_ that I triggered CAB by
> accident. The only thing I could do at the moment is silently curse
> my employer for not using openSUSE. I do save very often, but still,
> I had to reload all the programs like xterms, xmms, and so on.
> Simple conclusion, I want this patch in Xorg.


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