Éric Piel wrote:
> Op 07-01-10 11:51, allcoms schreef:
>> Hi!
>> I have been looking for a tool for visually resizing and positioning X
>> displays that is distribution neutral. I realise we have xrandr for
>> listing and changing display resolutions and rotations but it doesn't
>> seem to offer the ability to visually resize and position screens, a
>> feature that is sadly missing from the hardware setup menus of many
>> HDMI displays and I've only seen in a software form for X in suse/
>> yast's "Graphics card and Monitor" configuration module.
>> AFAIK yast is GPL so I was wondering why this code hasn't been
>> borrowed, stripped of its yast/suse dependencies and made into a
>> distribution neutral, standard X config tool? I realise X isn't
>> licensed under GPL but such a tool would be fine for most people until
>> a similar tool was wrote under a MIT license or whatever might be
>> deemed more xorg friendly.
> Isn't gnome-display-properties sufficient? Which additional features
> would you need?
> Cheers,
> Eric

I would prefer a tool not gnome-dependent, as a _Fluxbox_only_ Slackware user ;)


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