On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:54 AM, allcoms <allc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve!
> Ah! xvidtune! I'm surprised it took so long for someone to name the
> command that I was looking for. Is this what yast's graphics and
> display module is using to do what it does?
> I'm typing this atm under X.Org X Server 1.7.2, using the RadeonHD
> driver with a RHD 4350 connected to a single DVI display under Arch.
> When I type 'xvidtune' with no extra parameters in an xterm all I get
> is:
> Unable to query monitor info
> Is this a fault of the radeonhd driver, xorg, vidtune or my monitor?
> Also, unless I'm mis-understand things, reading the man page for
> xvidtune says nothing of how you would use it to configure additional
> displays. Have you simply got to run it on the display you are trying
> to configure? As I've already stated, my main need for this is to
> configure external HDMI displays- I was looking for my HDMI cable on
> the weekend but I suspect my housemates son has half-inched it so
> looks like I'll have to get another before I can try testing xvidtune
> with my poulsbo.
> Should xvidtune be able to do what I want or will (external) HDMI/DVI
> displays confuse it?

xvidtune doesn't work with xrandr 1.2.  It needs to be updated to
support multiple outputs.


> Dan
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Steven J Newbury <st...@snewbury.org.uk> 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 18:43 +0000, allcoms wrote:
>>> > Isn't gnome-display-properties sufficient? Which additional features
>>> > would you need?
>>> No, gnome-display-properties isn't sufficient to my needs as it does
>>> neither of the two features I am looking for which are:
>>> 1- Visual resizing (as in 'graphically' adjusting the screens outer 
>>> borders) and
>>> 2- Visual positioning (centering) of the full screen
>>> gdp is of course just a simple gui to xrandr, which doesn't do what I
>>> require. nvidias X setup tool is also lacking such functionality and
>>> as I say the only tool I've seen do this under linux is tied into
>>> suse's vast yast config monster which is prob hundreds of meg with all
>>> its dependencies when all I'd ever want from it is the visual screen
>>> setup tool.
>> Are you looking for something like a modern version of xvidtune tied
>> into xrandr which can tweak monitor timings?
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