On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 09:45:07PM +0000, Daniel Stone wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I can tell (and I've not looked hard, because I'd like to
> escape the office early), XDS 2007 cost $US10k for the venue, around
> $US24k for travel sponsorship (no joke), and something like $US5k lost
> to PayPal (they decided we were scammers and took our money) as well as

This is actually interesting and it supports my feeling how finances
are handled and why I have given up doing any accounting.

But maybe I'm wrong and I only have this feeling because things work
differently in the EU than in the US where an organization is able to
to pocket ones money by making false claims.

It's not as if X.Org didn't have a legal counsel - I would have expected 
that with the help of this the issue with PayPal could have been resolved
and the money been refunded.

> If you feel this is unacceptable and are looking to assign blame, the
> mail archives back me up that the entire thing was entirely my idea, and
> every single costing and proposal came from myself.

I don't think anyone is putting any blame on you as the organizer
of the event.
After all there was a justifiable reason for all the expenses and
there is no point arguing now if things could have been done at lower
It is more the intransparency of things which create an uncomfortable
feeling among some of the people here.

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