Hi there!

I am Octavio Rossell, from Venezuela. I am working in the FSF
endorsement of gNewSense-MIPS in the Lemote Yeelong(only free drivers
and free bios too), it is possible many of you already know this hardware.

For this goal, few things are still needed, but one of them is
concerning the video driver.

I have built a WiKi with all info i have collected from internet (web
pages, mails and irc chat). The rest needed is to find a xorg developer
who can put all this information together and find a better driver and,
of course, get a solution. The idea is to have a good video controller
for this hardware, making it work more than de "usable" status it has
now. Some acelerarion or optimization is needed because sometimes even
the simple task of viewing a video is a difficult work for this stage of
the driver. The desktop, in this state works in a primitive way and it
it not fair to have such a interesting hardware with a so poor
controller. This hardware can be an example of quality with an ethic
licence and hardware public specs. I even thiks it a way to say "thanks"
to the people make possible this hardware thinked and pointed to the
freedom of the user... you know about it, in some cases more than me,
may be.

The idea of this wiki:
is to collect all info for makin this easy. If any of you have more info
or has a technical correction is ok (is on free editing mode) but is
only a space where to put the info with an universal scope.

The importance of this is to have for the very first time a hardware
with Free BIOS in which all drivers are free software and all of this be
endorsed by FSF. This will be good for every Yeelong users.

Many people has told me about others who knows about the matter, put
they have no time to help this. For this people it is possible to find a
way. If some know how but cannot use the time in that, say it. There is
always is a way to integrate each others for the Free Software!


 |   ,           ,                                          |
 |  /             \                                         |
 | ((__-^^-,-^^-__))    Octavio Rossell Tabet               |
 |  `-_---' `---_-'     octa...@gnu.org.ve                  |
 |   `--|o` 'o|--'      http://octavio.gnu.org.ve           |
 |      \  `  /         irc.gnu.org.ve #gnu                 |
 |       .:  :.         Usuario de GNU/Linux: 278860        |
 |       :o_o:          Huella: FC69 551B ECB9 62B0 D992    |
 |        "-"                   BE57 B551 2497 C78B 870A    |

<<attachment: octavio.vcf>>

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