
   > Have you updated the xserver and ddx as well?  Do you know what
   > versions you were running when it last worked?

Yes -- git HEAD (of all xorg modules) as of "Wed May 5 14:25:34 2010
EDT" worked, and git HEAD as of three hours or so later crashed, and
git HEAD as of today crashes too.

This doesn't seem to match up precisely with any DDX or server
commits, which is curious.  Do you have any r100 (or similarly old,
perhaps) hardware that you could try running x11perf on with git HEAD,
to see whether you share the hang?

The x11perf invocation I use is:

x11perf -repeat 3 -time 3 
-{putimage,getimage,shmput,copy{win,pix}{win,pix}}{10,100,500}  -noop 
-{aa,rgb}{10,24,f}text -dot -rect{1,10,100,500}

The hang is 100% reproducible.  I haven't tried reverting to check
that the hang disappears (to rule out e.g. a new hardware fault),
but that's probably a good sanity-check for me to do soon.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child
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