On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Chris Ball <c...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>   > Have you updated the xserver and ddx as well?  Do you know what
>   > versions you were running when it last worked?
> Yes -- git HEAD (of all xorg modules) as of "Wed May 5 14:25:34 2010
> EDT" worked, and git HEAD as of three hours or so later crashed, and
> git HEAD as of today crashes too.
> This doesn't seem to match up precisely with any DDX or server
> commits, which is curious.  Do you have any r100 (or similarly old,
> perhaps) hardware that you could try running x11perf on with git HEAD,
> to see whether you share the hang?
> The x11perf invocation I use is:
> x11perf -repeat 3 -time 3 
> -{putimage,getimage,shmput,copy{win,pix}{win,pix}}{10,100,500}  -noop 
> -{aa,rgb}{10,24,f}text -dot -rect{1,10,100,500}
> The hang is 100% reproducible.  I haven't tried reverting to check
> that the hang disappears (to rule out e.g. a new hardware fault),
> but that's probably a good sanity-check for me to do soon.

There haven't been any changes to the ddx in that timeframe that would
affect rn50.  I'd say it's an xserver bug perhaps?


> Thanks,
> - Chris.
> --
> Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
> One Laptop Per Child
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