Hi Antal!

I've had some discussions with my friends and as a result I've changed my mind: 
I've published the generator as well as some docs to get you started.

However, as a compromise for point 1 I've made it clear what my maintenance 
commitments are.
As for point 2 it's irrelevant to the publication of the generator.
Point 3, meh, not my problem.
Point 4, meh get over it.

Have fun parsing, don't frustrate yourself!

> On 8. Feb 2018, at 01:52, Niklas Hauser <niklas.hau...@rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
> Hi Antal!
>> I'm asking because I looked into STM32 programming with Rust recently, and 
>> platform libraries are starting to show up, but nothing as high level as 
>> XPCC. I looked into the SVD files, but I don't think that alternate function 
>> pins are encoded in them for example (the thing that enables the type-safe 
>> connect() methods).
> Have you seen @japaric's post on that topic? 
> http://blog.japaric.io/brave-new-io <http://blog.japaric.io/brave-new-io>
> Unfortunately, SVD files don't contain information beyond the memory map and 
> even worse, the SVD files are often incorrect in some minor way.
> Btw, so are the official CMSIS header files that ST ships.
> https://github.com/modm-io/cmsis-header-stm32/commit/1ec448711db342deb4d4bf20b670166701a38f26#r27042841
> <https://github.com/modm-io/cmsis-header-stm32/commit/1ec448711db342deb4d4bf20b670166701a38f26#r27042841>
>> Could someone give me a small description of how the device file generation 
>> for STM32 works (both the one currently used in XPCC, and/or the one in 
>> MODM)? What I mean is, what information comes from what sources, and how is 
>> it put together.
> In short: The data comes out of CubeMX, which contains a bunch of XML files.
> These are transformed, cross-referenced and filtered to generate these device 
> files.
> https://github.com/modm-io/modm-devices/tree/develop/devices/stm32 
> <https://github.com/modm-io/modm-devices/tree/develop/devices/stm32>
> I've held a talk about how we use these device files in modm at EmBO++17:
> https://www.slideshare.net/emBO_Conference/datadriven-hal-generation 
> <https://www.slideshare.net/emBO_Conference/datadriven-hal-generation>
> These device files are more complete and more correct than the ones in xpcc 
> and have several important bug fixes (like correctly supporting STM32F1 group 
> remap).
> I rewrote the generator from scratch to fix these issue, but unfortunately 
> I've made the decision not to publish it. Let me justify this.
> 1. The internal data in ST's CubeMX is good, but since it's internal data, 
> the format changes and data sometimes gets removed, added, changed.
> There is still a lot of manual cleanup that needs to happen. I've even sent 
> ST patches of their own internal data, some of which have been applied, 
> others not.
> Unfortunately, the CubeMX data does not contain some of the most important 
> data either. This I have to manually extract from dozens of reference 
> manuals/datasheets, compare and add manually. This includes: some of STM32F1 
> GPIO remap, ALL groups of memory sizes (yes!), ALL peripheral types and all 
> device groups.
> This is an insane amount of work, and I'm not willing to put in the hours for 
> this anymore than is absolutely necessary.
> I fear that if I were to publish this generator and it were to become popular 
> (which the Rust community surrounding @japaric absolutely has the ability to 
> do), I'd be overwhelmed with support requests for all sorts of additional 
> data, regardless of how labor intensive it is to procure.
> I've spent the last 4 years looking at this data, if it's not in the above 
> device tree data already, it is _not_ trivial to add. An example is the clock 
> tree data, which exists in the raw data, but it's lacking critical data, 
> which again I'd have to manually add. Ultimately the CubeMX data is 
> incomplete and sometimes just plain wrong.
> 2. There is a real risk of creating a pseudo-standard of assumptions from my 
> work, since there is no other STM32 data available elsewhere at the moment.
> I've been following the Linux Device Tree community for a while now, 
> especially the discussion about the Device Tree Specification:
> https://github.com/devicetree-org/devicetree-specification 
> <https://github.com/devicetree-org/devicetree-specification>
> To caricature the discussion so far: A few (truly very smart) engineers are 
> extrapolating their personal, anecdotal experiences of how *they* used data 
> for a few devices into a grand theory of how this data should be formatted 
> and used for *every* other device out there. And they are just simply wrong 
> about that.
> You are wrong about what you think you know. You experiences mean nothing, 
> you cannot possibly know all the hardware details of thousands of devices.
> ST has ~1200 devices, Atmel ~600 AVRs, and their configuration data is not as 
> regular as you'd like to think.
> Here is an (out-of-data) and incomplete overview of ~1000 STM32 devices: 
> http://salkinium.com/stm32.html <http://salkinium.com/stm32.html>
> A better way would be to formulate your personal experiences as executable 
> assumption checkers, and run them over the raw data.
> This is actually what I did in modm in the GPIO driver, because the 
> assumptions I made in xpcc regarding GPIO AF were wrong.
> In fact they were _so_ wrong that our assumption check failed on the majority 
> of STM32 devices and we had to rewrite the API from scratch.
> https://image.slidesharecdn.com/niklashauser-170228153235/95/datadriven-hal-generation-47-1024.jpg
> <https://image.slidesharecdn.com/niklashauser-170228153235/95/datadriven-hal-generation-47-1024.jpg>
> Now imagine a fuckup like that at device tree level, nobody is rewriting 
> anything. I don't want to be yelled at by Linus.
> 3. Not a single vendor actually wants to give you this data, it makes them so 
> very deeply comparable to each other. Vendors are already unhappy with the 
> rather detailed Digikey search options. The CubeMX data was a very lucky 
> find, and I have not found data even remotely as extensive as this for other 
> vendors.
> So this is an ST only solution (the AVR data is even more incomplete), and so 
> I refer back to point 2.
> 4. I recently quit my job at ARM working on mbed OS and uVisor because they 
> didn't allow any out-of-the-box thinking on embedded software designs, like 
> we do in xpcc/modm. I mean, they don't even generate their linker-/startup 
> scripts, which is absolutely TRIVIAL to do with even the most basic data. 
> It's insane how much unnecessary manual labor goes into porting/maintaining 
> mbed OS.
> My takeaway was that with the entire IoT craze, nobody in this industry takes 
> the time to fix the foundational issues, like HAL design, tool support, 
> library support (don't get me started on Newlib). Most engineers I met can't 
> even point out any flaws in these, they are just so used to it.
> I'm still downbeat and angry about that and I need time to gain some distance 
> from that experience.
> I've been contributing to xpcc/modm now since 2011, that's a long time.
> I'm not a student anymore, I need choose more carefully what I want to spend 
> time on now.
> So I'm taking a step back to reorient myself a little and build up motivation 
> again. 
> There are also interesting and more lucrative opportunities in other 
> industries.
> For now I recommend you use the device files as they are. You're not going to 
> be able to extract any more data from CubeMX without unreasonable effort.
> I'll keep them updated with every quarterly release of modm. I'll reevaluate 
> my position if more projects start using that data and people are willing to 
> take up some of the maintenance effort like what has happened in xpcc. That 
> really is a joy to maintain, I feel like people care about this stuff :-)
> Make sure to look at modm if you want to generate code/data/documentation 
> from this data, since it was designed for exactly that purpose.
> Or use the DeviceFile class directly: 
> https://github.com/modm-io/modm-devices/blob/develop/tools/device/modm/device_file.py
> <https://github.com/modm-io/modm-devices/blob/develop/tools/device/modm/device_file.py>
> Usage: https://github.com/modm-io/modm/blob/develop/repo.lb#L29-L39 
> <https://github.com/modm-io/modm/blob/develop/repo.lb#L29-L39>
> Sorry for being in a bad mood today,
> (sad) Niklas

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