On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Wayne Whitney wrote:

> >From a pricewatch.com search on "DVI" (prices before shipping):
> Brand          Chipset            Memory       Price
> -----------    --------------    ----------    -----
> Number Nine    S3 Savage4        16MB SGRAM    $18
> Number Nine    TNT2              32MB          $29
> Celesta        Geforce 256       32MB SDRAM    $43
> ATI            Rage 128L         32MB SGRAM    $59
> ATI            Radeon VE         32MB DDR      $67     <-------
> PowerColor     Geforce2 MX400    64MB SGRAM    $83
> Matrox         G550              32MB DDR     $102     <-------

    All else equal, the DDR cards will kick butt over the conventional
SDRAM cards.  From this list, I'd pick the Radeon.

Chris BeHanna
Software Engineer                   (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs.

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