On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 02:39:06PM -0700, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>    Sorry, I meant XvPutStill.

>    There will need to be an option for a shm completion event
> on XvShmGetImage so the client isn't blocked while the server
> fetches the data. 
I must confess I don't know the difference between XvPutImage and
XvShmPutImage, but I don't mind blocking, for performance reasons grabbing and
encoding will has to be done in separate threads anyway. I'm an avifile
developer and I know from experience that decoding into a buffer in one thread
and displaying from the buffer in another thread allows the decoder to eat
over 98% cpu even if real time spent transferring data into videocard takes
over 25% (but dma does that so the drawing thread sleeps). Doing this on one
thread would mean that these 25% will become wasted and additionally could
cause latency problems. So my guess is that the program that grabs using the
XvGetImage should grab into a buffer in one thread and a separate thread
should encode the pictures (and another one sound) asynchronously. I really
don't see a point in GetImage to be non-blocking, but perhaps I'm missing
something here.

BTW no need to cc anymore, now I'm subscribed :-)

>                       Mark.

Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023

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