On Thu, 2001-10-18 at 15:03, Michael Zayats wrote:

>> Can you explain a bit more about texture engine?
>> If I udenrstand it right it is 3d acceleration feature, you first use DRI
>> DMA it to texture memory and then use OPenGL commands to place it on
>> the right way (like video).

>That's too complicated. The 2D driver should directly program the
>hardware to draw the surface using the Xv data as a texture.

I actually prefer to give it plain RGB24 or RGB32 (I can have it from bt)
and may be not in shared but regular memory, does it help?

still what about using DRI to firstly DMA the texture to i810 and then using
opengl paths to manipulate it there?


P.S. thank you Michel for your help, I hope I am not bothering you too

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