... well, I seem to have solved my problem, and I feel exceedingly
stupid now. Since I put this system up myelf ... I was going through the
FHS earlier today to get my system more compliant with it. This started
with me getting mad at my apache configuration and reinstalling it and
putting everything in more FHS-friendly locations, which was good,
because what I was familiar with was closer to FHS recommendations.
(Today's been a big day for system changes on my machine.)

Now, let me say one thing; I've run two different kernels on this
system: 2.4.10 and 2.4.12. Note #1: my /usr/include/linux and
/usr/include/asm were NOT FHS compliant ... because I'd copied
the data into those directories. Note #2: I did this back when
I was running 2.4.10. Well, today I noticed this, kicked myself in
the arse a few times, and made the proper symlinks ... recompiled
just now and X seems to work fine. Heck, Quake 3 runs nice ... ^^;

So, sorry about all that, and thanks for all your help. I've gotten
the best responses from any part of the Linux community from here,
and I really appreciate it.


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