Munir Nassar wrote:

 > What compiler are you using? i am not aware of any
 > certain compiler quirks but it is possible,

gcc 2.95.3.

(yanked from a make World log)

Building on Linux 2.4.12 i686 [ELF] (2.4.12).

Linux Distribution: Unknown
libc version: 6.2.4
binutils version: 3.1

GCC version: 2.95

 > try a
 > $make World &> World.log &
 > and check World.log for any interesting compiler
 > warnings...

Interesting? Um ... lessee. Variables possibly being used
uninitialized, a few symbols declared 'static' but undefined
in ttobjs.h (prolly won't hurt too much, eh?), a whole bunch
of "void * pointers used in arithmetic" ... 6335 warnings
without the void pointers, 75k void pointer warnings. Nothing
here looks too bad ... the compiler never dies or anything
dramatic like that.

Any ideas on more specifically where to look, given that X
always crashes in exactly the same place (loading module


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