I write to know the opinion about some problem. You are XFree developer, so i 
think You know something.

Its about -> reseting vconsole <- after X crash. Why ist so important?

In my opinion XFree can not be 100% stable, because there are two _diffrent_ 
ways of developing:
- making more stable, making perfect,
- adding new features.
99% - yes :) Butt not 100% stable.

So, when i work on XServer i _must_ be 100% sure that i will not lose control 
over my system. I have rarely X crashes, for example when i exit 
RTCWolfenstein3D, or when i must use SAK Sysrq+k (for example when program 
like VMWare steal the keyboard and crash). In result virtual consoles are 
damaged - they look like screen shot of Gnome for example.

This i call: "losing control over my system" - i cant use vconsoles, i cant 
run programs on other /dev/tty than /dev/tty7 (after restarting xserver using 
blindly typed "startx")...

I know that other people have that problem. Damaging vconsoles is not a good 
thing - they are base in linux.

I know that this is probably kernel thing, however it relates XFree very 
much. So can You or someone give a signal to kernel developers? I will write 
to lkml too later.

Regards Refuse.
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