
A few months ago (4+ I think) I purchased a Dell Inspiron 8000
laptop which came with an 15" Ultra XGA 1600x1200 (133 PPI) display.

I am running Linux on the system with XFree86 4.1.0.

The issue with the display is that I have never been able to get a
clear screen at any resolution it supports: 1600x1200 down to
1024x768.  The only decent resolution is at 800x600 which is simply

I have always thought the problem might be the fonts and lack of
anti-aliasing.  However, after a few co-workers' comments on the
"crappy-ness" of my screen I thought I'd mess with it again. :-)

I found a test pattern image from:
      (See 'Master Test Pattern')

At 1600x1200 if i move the window displaying the test pattern image
horizontally, it is clearly apparent that the vertical lines disappear
and reappear, including a few of the rectangular patterns.  Indicating
that something is clearly wrong with something.

My Guess:
   Looks like "something" (either X or the hardware ?) is trying
   to force a certain number of pixels on to the screen that don't
   match the exact number of pixels available.

   Either that or some horizontal "scanline" problem is screwing
   up some regular vertical pixels/lines at a fixed period.

   (sorry if the terms i use aren't the correct ones, I'm doing my
   best to describe what I observe.)

I have tried many XF86Config options like setting:

   DisplaySize 304.8 228.6
            #   12" x 9" => 15" diag

which forces the DPI to be 133 instead of the default 75 if this
option is not specified.

I have even tried:

   Option "NoStretch" "on"
which gets ignored form what X reports in XFree86.0.log.

Connecting my 19" monitor to the laptop, the displayed screen is
just perfect.  Only the flat panel is "messed up"!

I would appreciate any hints, comments, suggestions, anything really
that might help me resolve this matter.

I am reaching a point where simply "giving up" on this problem is
becoming an option.

Thanks for your time,
Gnu  __   _
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