Hi Alain,

On Thu, 2001-11-15 at 00:08, Alain O.Miniussi wrote:
> I explained some of it in the mail but I just restarted from scratch and here 
> is the situation:
> I downloaded and installed the 2.4.14 kernel, with agp support on and 
> drm support off.
> I downloaded Xfree, compiled it, installed it. I am not sure what to 
> do next, but here is what I tried:
> According to Adam email, I should get the drm support for the i830 in:
> in Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/drm/kernel/ 
> If I go there and do a make, it says to run "make -f Makefile.linux" to
> get drm.o
> If I do that, I don't get any drm.o but that is probably just a doc glitch, I
> do get a few .o, among them:
> i810_drv_.o i810_dma.o and i810.o (and nothing else with i8?0 in it)
  Ummmm, Alain - the i830* files have to be there. If You go to XFree86
CVS web interface
You will clearly see at least theese files :
  if You don't have them - Your cvs checkout was somehow wrong. BTW. How
did You get Your XFree86 ?
  So please try to get the files there - then using the "make -f
Makefile.linux" command You should generate the i830.o module.

> i810.i is just i810_drv.o and i810_dma.o linked together so I guess I
> can forget those two and that i810.o is the drm module I need and 
> should go somewhere in /lib/module/2.4.14/..../char/
  Yes, that's where I have put my i830.o module. Remember to launch a
"depmod -a" after copying the file and load it ("modprobe i830") before
You start X.

> I really don't know what to do next.
  Even if You don't succeed in getting the i830 drm module working -
don't worry - X will work without it, only with degraded performance.
You can simply use the XF86Config file I enclosed in my previous e-mail.

> Note that there is not a single file with i830 in it's name in the whole tree.
  That is really weird - You should at least have the files I mentioned
earlier and a couple of "i830*" files in:

  Again I am really surprised that You don't have them. Please make sure
You got them , otherwise Your X version doesn't differ that much from
4.1.0 that You have already tried.

> Do you know if there is any documentation on how to deal with that chip ?

  Have hope - it really can be done :)

Adam Kisiel                          | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Faculty of Physics                   | homepage:
Warsaw University Of Technology      |

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