On Monday 26 November 2001 00:14, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, safemode wrote:
> > The program i used to see what dpi i was at was xdpyinfo.    the fonts
> > may have been at a correct resolution, but since the display wasn't it
> > looked all sorts of messed up.   The problem here isn't with end user
> > apps.  Something was not being detected or set up right in the server.
>    Are you sure 87x96 isn't the correct DPI given your resolution
> and monitor size?  It's not an unbelievable result.  The monitor
> EDID may be wrong though.  It wouldn't be the first time one
> was.  If you have a virtual desktop larger than the viewport,
> I'd expect the server's DPI calculation to be whack.

unless 1280x1024 dimensions gives 87x96 resolution, then it was wrong.  If it 
does then it's perfectly right.  The thing is, this did not happen in the old 
cvs's that did load my fixed fonts and such and work.   So i'm assuming that 
that means this is the wrong value.   I was not using any virtual resolution. 
 (Resolution meaning dimensions).  
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