
With the CVS-development version on a Trident CyberbladeAi1d (in
a Acer Travelmate 354e laptop) I'm having a small problem with 
displaying videos. I've read through the mailing list archive and
now got it almost working but not fully. And I had to make some
changes to the code in trident_video.c, namely:

  - changing line 95 to:

      if (pTrident->Chipset <= CYBERBLADEAI1d)

    (so that VID_OFF_SHIFT_4 gets not or'ed in)

  - changing the lines 75[56] to:

      ty1 = dstBox->y1 + pTrident->vsync;
      ty2 = dstBox->y2 + pTrident->vsync;

    (i.e. removing the `- 2' and `+ 2')

That latter change was wild guessing, obviously, but fixed the problem
that I got a line at the bottom of the video output region containing
garbled color pixels (looks like the stuff you get when putting an
uninitialised pixmap on the screen, pretty randomly, although the
pattern looks enough like the line above it to make me think that
it's just the last video line displayed with the wrong color

But I also get such a row of garbled pixels on the right of the video
region and I wasn't able to find a place where I can fix that. I've
frobbed with the variables for the zoom factor and for the positions
of the video region but without fixing the problem.

But otherwise video with the current CVS version is working nicely,
good work, guys.

If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be willing to
try any suggestions made.


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