Wischnowsky, Sven writes:
 > Hello
 > With the CVS-development version on a Trident CyberbladeAi1d (in
 > a Acer Travelmate 354e laptop) I'm having a small problem with 
 > displaying videos. I've read through the mailing list archive and
 > now got it almost working but not fully. And I had to make some
 > changes to the code in trident_video.c, namely:
 >   - changing line 95 to:
 >       if (pTrident->Chipset <= CYBERBLADEAI1d)

You should send a 'diff -u' output or at least a larger code segment
as your line 95 may not be my line 95.

 >     (so that VID_OFF_SHIFT_4 gets not or'ed in)

Yes, that's correct! I found that on a AI1 yesterday, too.

 >   - changing the lines 75[56] to:
 >       ty1 = dstBox->y1 + pTrident->vsync;
 >       ty2 = dstBox->y2 + pTrident->vsync;
 >     (i.e. removing the `- 2' and `+ 2')
 > That latter change was wild guessing, obviously, but fixed the problem
 > that I got a line at the bottom of the video output region containing
 > garbled color pixels (looks like the stuff you get when putting an
 > uninitialised pixmap on the screen, pretty randomly, although the
 > pattern looks enough like the line above it to make me think that
 > it's just the last video line displayed with the wrong color
 > information).

We cannot remove these as they may affect other chips.
Try to find an optimal value for pTrident->vsync.
(Please check trident_dac.c where it gets set.)

 > But I also get such a row of garbled pixels on the right of the video
 > region and I wasn't able to find a place where I can fix that. I've
 > frobbed with the variables for the zoom factor and for the positions
 > of the video region but without fixing the problem.

You may want to check  pTrident->hsync for this.
I needed to do a 
pTrident->hsync -= 7; 
from the default value for the Ai1.

 > But otherwise video with the current CVS version is working nicely,
 > good work, guys.

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