I currently have an AGP Number Nine Revlution 4 32MB as primary, and a
PCI ATI @ Work 98 8MB (I think) as a slave.  Both heads at 1024x768,
and both on 20" monitors.  This setup works fine for normal business
type apps, programing, web browsing, etc.

I'm using the Xinerama extension, so both heads combine to just one
wide display split across two monitors.  You can drag windows across
the screens, have one window fill up both screens, etc. 

There are some limitations though:

I haven't found any window managers (as of about 6 months ago) that
were fully Xinerama/multi-head aware.  This is mostly just an
annoyance.  When an app starts up, it can be split across the screens,
a menu from your left screen can overlap to the right screen, etc.

No DGA support.  If you use VMWare, don't expect full screen mode. 
This can hamper your use of VMWare, expecially if you run graphics
intence apps under vmware.  My use of windows apps is very minimal, so
this doesn't bother me much.

I just ran into this one, only one screen can support openGL, and as
far as I can tell, only the primary screen.  I just started playing
around with some 3D modeling, and the app I'm using requires openGL. 
The app runs fine as long as it stays on the primary screen.  But since
the window manager isn't fully aware, it's next to impossible to stay
on one screen.  This creates a good bit of flakiness in the app, and
seems to cause flakiness in X it's self.  Now my main Video card
doesn't support openGL acceleration, which I believe is causing X
windows to be flaky.

I have since started to run a second X server on display :1, without
Xinerama, when I run this 3D modeler (still flaky, but I believe it's
my video card).

Recent messages on this list lead me to think that Matrox G450 and G550
dual head cards will support openGL on both heads.  I've always heard
matrox cards to be more multi-head friendly than others, so this makes
since to me.  Any how that's my next step, a G550.  I probably won't
get to it till after new years, so if you go this route post back with
your results.

Good luck,

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Frank Kujawski wrote:
> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 11:58:13 -0500 (EST)
> To: Xpert Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Frank Kujawski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Xpert]Multi-head Display
> I was wondering what solution would be best for multi-head displays.
> Would it be a card that supports dual heads or two cards?
> I suppose the next question is what would be done on the screens, a
> primary high res workspace for office type issues and a secondary low
> res
> for picutres/movies etc.  A second option is for both monitors to be
> the
> primary work space and for windows to move natraly between the two.
> What type of cards would work best for each situation and why?
> This is a general post to help me decide how to configure my
> workstation
> and what is availiable that I may not have considered.
>       Frank
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