You are the second one within two days who has problems with this
chipset. It is a brand new chipset and support for this has just been
added. I am sure that noone of the developers has seen a
CyberBladeXPAi1, yet. I don't know if anyone has documentation for
this chip yet. The situation may be just as it is for the
CyberBladeXPm8/16 chipsets: Trident doesn't allow us to release
source code.

People should understand:

1. In the eyes of chipset vendors Linux is *not* mainstream.
   Some (not all!) of them don't consider the extra revenue they 
   can make by providing support to OpenSource projects like XFree86
   worth the efford. (And they make revenue despite the fact that they
   don't support Linux as this case shows us!)
2. Toshiba doesn't consider Linux mainstream enough to bother to
   support it officially. There have been moves to do so in the past
   but I haven't heared of them for over two years now.
   Luckily some of the engineers at Toshiba don't think that way
   and have provided systems for testing in the past.
3. From 1 and 2 one can gather that hardware vendors don't throw at us
   any new system they put on the market and provide all documentation
   necessary to support the stuff begging us to add this support.
   It is vice versa: We still need to beg for documentation and may be
   a test system.
4. One should consider this when looking for a new system 
   (especially a laptop): It may be a good idea to look around
   and see which HW is already known to be supported.
   Anybody buying the latest and greatest systems with chips that have
   just been released may have to expect unpleasant surprises.
   I had this surprise, too - many years ago. That's how I got onto
   this project.   

I will try and see if I can get a box like this from Toshiba.


gabriele castellini writes:
 > Hi there,
 > I have recently bought a Toshiba Satellite 1800-S204 laptop that comes
 > with a `trident cyberbladeXPAi1' card. I installed RedHat 7.0 that came
 > with XFree86-4.0.1 and it did not recognize the card. I upgraded to
 > XFree86-4.1.0 but no improvement. Since I noticed that support for
 > this card was added to the soon to be released XFree86-4.2.0, I
 > downloaded the latest CVS from December 4 and the compiling and
 > installation seemed to be all right. However, by running `XFree86
 > -configure' I could only get one mode and it is not usable, since I get
 > a small frame in which I seem to recognize the default 'net-style' X
 > background with a ghost-like mouse pointer. Nevertheless the card is
 > correctly identified as one can see from the log-file included below.
 > Does anybody have any idea of what went wrong? Did I make some mistake
 > somewhere or is there any setting that I could change in order to get
 > a usable picture? Hopefully the included log-file may help those who
 > know more about this to understand what is going on.
 > By the way, one more thing, `startx' quit working after installation
 > of the new CVS. After typing it I get the following error message:
 > xauth: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
 > shared object file: No such file or directory.
 > I wonder what that means since the file actually exists.
 > Does anybody have any idea of how to fix this?

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