
Sorry, but although the card is correctly detected, the driver doesn't 
work well for me (CyberBladeXPAi1, Toshiba S1800-814)

In 16 and 24bpp the display shows a lot of noise, especially when moving 
windows/cursor. I've tried to change the horz/vert display settings 
(LCD) w/out success.

The driver is still a lot slower than Vesa and FBdev on this laptop 
(PIII 1.1GHz)

I'm back to FBdev right now.


Alan Hourihane wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 11:24:57AM -0400, gabriele castellini wrote:
>>I am happy to be able to say that finally I got a good screen
>>configuration on my Toshiba 1800-S204 laptop
>>with a trident cyberbladeXPAi1 chip.  It took me a  lot of attempts but
>>this is what I did.
>>I installed RedHat 7.0 that comes with XFree86-4.0.1 and it did not
>>detect my card.
>>Next I upgraded to XFree86-4.1.0 using the binaries downloaded from
>>, still no improvement.
>>I decided to go for the CVS. I downloaded, compiled and installed what
>>came out to be the pre-release version XFree86-4.1.99  (or so). Still no
>>luck with the configuration tool 'XFree86 -configure', although
>>the chip now was correctly identified as a cyberbladeXPAi1.  So, I
>>started playing around with some test
>>configuration file and by forcing the chipset as a cyberbladeXPm/16 I
>>got a perfect picture and everything
>>seems to work fine, at least what I tried so far. The strange thing is
>>that if I force the chipset as a
>>cyberbladeXPAi1, which is what it should be, then it does not work.  I
>>wonder if this is a bug or something
>>is wrong with my setup.
>>I hope that this is useful for those who are still struggling to get
>>their video configuration with this chip.
> Thanks Gabriele,
> It was a bug. I've just fixed it in CVS. You shouldn't need to force
> the chipset now.
> Alan.
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