On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Paul Fox wrote:

> i still don't get any events from my "internet keys" though.  is there
> something else i have to turn on or enable?  the other odd thing is that
> the ctrl:swapcaps setting doesn't seem to work for me, making me think
> i really have screwed something up.  bear in mind that i've been running
> in XkbDisable mode for years until trying this -- it's not that i just
> changed from "pc101" to "itouch".

Did you try to run 'showkey' at the console, and press the "internet" keys
on your keyboard? Did they then generate events there? Some USB keyboards
with the extended feature keys like that have a separate USB HID device
that (afaik) Linux's USB HID driver doesn't yet handle.

Derrik Pates      |   Sysadmin, Douglas School   |    #linuxOS on EFnet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |     District (dsdk12.net)    |    #linuxOS on OPN

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