Around 1 o'clock on Dec 11, Jonathan Walther wrote:

> What is the method that involves the least amount of X calls, or at
> least is the fastest possible, method to repaint my window?

You can do this in one call with the Render extension -- create a 1 bit 
mask that has 0 where the image is and then use XRenderComposite with that 
as the alpha channel.  As the alpha mask is a separate drawable, you can 
adjust the location of the object by changing where the zero bits are in 
that mask.

No need for subwindows; just a simple mask.

> Keith, even if you aren't going to release your hacked version of twm,
> can you tell the eager masses what the trick was to make those root-menu
> windows in your twm screenshot be translucent?

To make this work reasonably is requiring significant restructuring of the 
insides of the X server.  I'm still busy getting the Render extension 
deployed so the other X server hacks are kinda on the back burner.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        Compaq Cambridge Research Lab

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