On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 12:25:18PM +0200, Richard ?epas wrote:
> >        I have also noticed this effect (try konsole for example).  I don't use 
>latin2 but utf-8.  It happens with Type1 
> >        fonts from XFree 4.1 like Courier or Lucidux*.  It doesn't happen with TTF.
> >
>     ... and it shows with xterm as well, so it is probably XFree bug:
> xterm -fa 'Courier New' -fs 14
> is OK, but this:
> xterm -fa LuciduxMono -fs 14
> shows space instead Ä.  You can cut&paste it, i.e. character code is OK, but it 
>just shows as blank.
Ok I tried this and it partially is correct for me as well. It DOESN'T happen
with truetype fonts. OTOH, I am unable to reproduce with xterm, so it really
seems to be a QT bug.

The "fscked" font seems to be helvetica: when kde apps use it, c+caret is
missing, but when I use arial from M$s truetype fonts instead, it is ok.

But I did a xlsfonts|grep -i helvetica|grep iso8859-2| blahblah
and started xterm with all of the matching fonts. They are indeed antialiased,
but none of them were fscked.

Also for some strage reason I can't tell konqueror to use arial instead of
helvetica. In the html source on the pages it sez something like "font face
arial, verdana, helvetica", which konqueror interprets as "prefer helvetica",
even if I rearrange order of font directories.

The fix I was able to put together, is to do
cd /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/
rm -f n01* fonts.dir;mkfontdir
restart xfs, restart X

voila, it's fixed. So it seems that qt and urw fonts don't mix well.

So what to do now, write to trolltech? It's fixed for me so I don't care
anymore :-)

>       âť RiÄardas Äepas âş

Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023

  Hello, this is Bill Gates and I pronounce Monopoly, er, Windows as Windows.

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