Comments below;


Ferris E. McCormick (P44646, MI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Phone:  (h)   703-368-6723
        (w)   703-392-0303
        (fax) 703-392-0401

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, dogshu wrote:

> I'm damn close, but its not working yet.
> XFree86 -configure works, and spits out a complete configuration file.
> Unfortunately, however, X still doesn't start.  It looks like it's about
> to, but then it quits:
> (II) SUNCG14: driver for CG14
> (==) SUNCG14(0): RGB weight 101111
> (==) SUNCG14(0): Default visual is TrueColor
> (==) SUNCG14(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> (II) Loading /usr/local/XFree86-cvs/lib/modules/libfb.a
> (II) Module fb: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
>         compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
> (==) SUNCG14(0): DPI set to (75, 75)
> Fatal server error:
> AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
That's farther than it gets on my system.  It looks right up until the
fatal error.

> I also have the same problem with the XFree86 server as with XFree86's
> Xsun server.  If I have not run Sun's Xsun server before running XFree86,
> XFree86 just says no devices found.
This one is beyond me.

> Also, the driver only allows me to set the depth to 32, it says all other
> depths are not supported by the driver, not even 8.
> Unless someone has some new revelations about XFree86 on Solaris, I think
> I'll just use xfree's Xsun in 8-bit depth, as it doesn't seem like
> the loadable module version of XFree86 is supposed to work on
> sparc/Solaris anyway.  Besides, 256 colors will be enough for 95% of
> what I will be doing on the box.

It's supposed to work.  It's just not finished, and whoever was working on
it apparently is doing other things right now.

As best as I can tell, XF86's Xsun/Xsun24 servers don't officially even
know about a cg14, and I suppose that's why they try to drive it as a
> Thanks for your help Ferris.  I couldn't find any substantial
> documentation on interfacing with the framebuffers on solaris, except for
> these man pages: cgfourteen, fbio, and good ol' mmap and iotcl.
Someplace there has to be documentation on how to interface with these
devices at the driver level:  After all, Jelinek, Rehacek, and Miller got
the information from which they did the xfree86/sunxxx drivers somewhere.

If I had that and some clue how Solaris interfaces with these devices, I'd
try to ferret out what's going on, but I don't.  If Sun makes any of this
information available, they call it something else.

Sorry I can't be of more help; I find it frustrating that XFree86 doesn't
provide a road map, at least, for completing xf86/sun support in general,
and Solaris specifically.  (The in general part, because although the
drivers do work with Sparc/Linux, they are not yet functionally complete.)

Let me know if you come up with anything,

> Jim Faulkner

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