> And why reprogram it when the client is rescaling?

That is what I was thinking and that is why I question why having
EVIOCGABS is needed. Mayeb I misunderstood. Email can be so limiting

> There is the policy item of whether such devices should appear in the
> X server's view of input devices at all.  So some policy of whether
> input devices get handed off to the X server when plugged in needs to go
> somewhere, and that, IMHO, is not the X server itself, as X is not the
> only consumer of input devcies.

This could probable be handled by device file permissions and groups. Of
course you don't have that option on another OS for X. 

> And there are still insane people who want to run true multihead
> (several monitors, X servers, keyboards and mice for more than one users).

Like me!!!!

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