Around 8 o'clock on Feb 20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As a format, XML is fine.  I would prefer S-expressions, but a
> restricted XML schema is merely S-expressions with pointy delimiters
> instead of curved delimiters.

If you squint, and format your XML properly, you can easily pretend that it
is S-expressions...  In developing the fontconfig DTD, I discovered that
the XML proponents involved directed me to a more s-expression like syntax.

> ... I think that S-expressions are a good choice for configuration files.
> Giving them pointy delimiters does not change that.

XML has one advantage over S-exprs -- the existing parsers can capture and 
retain formatting information so that the writer can precisely reproduce 
what the reader was given.

> If the schema is designed and specified so that none of the XML
> extensions beyond the S-expression analogues are permitted, then we can
> also consider using a tiny customized XML parser when we want to reduce
> the footprint of X.

Yes, the existing XML parsers are relatively large -- 100K for expat, 600K 
for libxml2.  I'm not willing to write a custom parser, but certainly 
would accept contributions along such lines.  However, if XML-based 
configuration becomes popular in other areas, it may be that the 100K 
library will be shared among many applications mitigating it's memory 
impact somewhat.

> I am using the term schema deliberately.  I think that the schema is the
> proper route, not the DTD.  The differences are small but important.
> Schema give you a little more rope with which to hang yourself, but the
> DTD already gave you more than enough to get in real trouble.  Schema
> permit you to document the contents and constraints much more clearly
> than DTDs and that is important.

I haven't explored the world of schema yet; if using those would help make 
the configuration file somewhat more self-documenting, and provide tools 
that can verify the contents more accurately, then we should probably use 
them.  I also don't know the state of existing tools wrt schema-based XML.
I took the cautious approach when designing the fontconfig mechanism.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        Compaq Cambridge Research Lab

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