On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> >> I've had a few reports now both internally and externally, that 
> >> both the nv and nvidia drivers are memleak'ing if the RENDER 
> >> extension is used, or more specifically if KDE AA fonts are 
> >> enabled while using Nvidia hardware.  Aparently this problem is 
> >> in XFree86 4.1.0 but is fixed in 4.2.0, however I have no idea 
> >> what the fix is specifically.
> >> 
> >> There is a SuSE article on their website about this problem as 
> >> well, but with no workaround yet other than to use XFree86 4.2.0.  
> >> If someone familiar with the nv driver could whip up a patch that 
> >> fixes this problem, I'd be glad to include it in unofficial 
> >> builds of XFree86 until our next erratum release.
> >
> >   The "nv" driver doesn't have anything to do with RENDER.
> >It's completely out of the picture.  I don't see how this
> >can be specific to the "nv" or "nvidia" drivers.  Growing
> >memory usage in the server is almost always a client resource
> >leak.  You'll notice that the "nv" driver doesn't allocate
> >any memory outside of initialization.
> Since then I have learned that this is an X library memory leak
> which the nv driver apparently triggers somehow.  I've got an
> Xlib memleak patch I've just applied however i dont know if it
> has to do with this problem or not.

  I can't even think of a case where Xlib can behave differently
depending on an X driver.  I don't think it's possible for this to 
be a driver specific problem.

  The X-server growing by 100 meg/hour sounds like a client resource
leak to me.  It would have to be done by a client who remained alive
that whole time (like the window manager).  It is possible that a
library bug could cause a leak like that.

  I once talked about adding an XFree86 option where the server could
print out sum totals of particular resources left unfreed by clients
when they died.  I should probably add that sooner rather than later.


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