Hi Wilson,

> far as I've got. I compiled the alsa sound stuff but
> couldn't get any results. In terms of WiFi,IR or USB I

*** My stock RH72 kernel (I think it's 2.4.9-?) loads the i810 module and it seems to 
work fine tho' I haven't tried listening to MP3 stuff. Wav files that come with RH72 
play fine so there is no reason to assume itr's not going to work.

IOW, you need to enable the Intel 810 chip in the sound configuration of the stock 
Linux kernel. You should not need to use Alsa...

> don't have any devices to test with although they appear
> to be recognised OK by the system.

*** I have used IrDA on other Tecra models in the past but it's always been somewhat 
of a hit and miss affair. I have seen reports that WiFi (wavelan_cs module) works fine 
on Portege 4000 (it uses the same hardware). I see the same module loading on my 
machine but I haven't had a chance to configure it yet. As soon as I get a new kernel 
working I'll give it a whirl... However, that may need a RH72 reinstallation or going 
back to gcc 2.96...

> I also have this really annoying problem with the screen
> dimming (ie. backlight turns off) when the battery is down
> to 50% power.

*** AFAIK, that is is a "feature" of the Toshiba BIOS and the problem is that the API 
to control that is not completely open (so-called SCI API from Toshiba). 

You could try using one of the Jonathan Buzzard's Toshiba utilities (I am writing this 
off-line so can't provide you with a URL but a Google search should get you there) but 
I'm fairly confident there is no solution for this problem at present (much like 

> My two wishlist items at the moment are: 1) Screen not
> dimming when battery is at 50% and 2) Fully functioning
> sound.

*** As I said above - sound should be easy. The issue of the screen not so..

> On the positive side apm and suspend works really well.

*** I never had any problems with APM on Tecras (and I've used pretty much all 
high-end models in the last 4-5 years) under Linux (approx since the 2.0.2x kernel 

> Just out of interest. Is the keyboard repeat problem still
> evident in your current X configuration ?

*** Yes (under 4.2), but I haven't tried your recipe yet. I won't be able to do 
anything before early next week (I have been on the road since Tuesday)...

> .... hold on .... ahh here it is ... try:
>       http://cmos-eng.rehab.uiuc.edu/accessx/

*** Thanks.

I recall that I managed to get it under control somehow on the 8200 model (my previous 
machine) but can't recall how...


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