Mark Vojkovich writes:
 >    Looking at the code for the siliconmotion driver in the tree, I'm 
 > not surprised.  It looks like the driver is polling until the retrace
 > everytime it has to put a frame.  I would expect that to eat up more
 > CPU than just doing all the video in software.   You should probably
 > try it without Xv, if that's being used now.  Or somebody should fix
 > the drivers.

OK, I will look into this next week.

I guess this retrace waiting was done to prevent shearing.
Only very few chipsets support some kind of double buffering
with automatic buffer switching on retrace. On all others
we need to poll the chip to detect a retrace.

Mark, do you have any new idea how to solve this problem?
I guess a solution would be to have some limited kernel
support to handle interrupts.

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