Mark Vojkovich writes:
 > On Sun, 31 Mar 2002, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
 >    Egbert, if you can program the registers outside of the retrace
 > without hardware gliches, I think you should just do that.  Polling
 > for the retrace in the server should not be done for stuff like this.
 > These apps are typically cpu intensive so they are competing with 
 > the server for CPU.  That means the server might not even be scheduled
 > during the retrace a good deal of the time.  I suspect the server
 > spends its entire slice spinning most of the time.

Right, I didn't program this. I don't like to put any of this busy
waiting into drivers if I can help it. Especially during DVD playback
this will waste so much CPU time. This will certainly not increase
quality of the playback.

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