On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, James Boyden wrote:

> Hey all,
> Firstly, let me apologise.  I used to think I had a pretty decent
> understanding of the user-level workings of XFree86-3.* under Linux
> 2.0.* and 2.2.*, but now it seems that XFree86-4.* with kernel 2.4.*
> has me stumped.  I have little doubt that at the end of this, the
> problem will be something trivial or utterly stupid (on my part),
> but after two days of banging my head against this, I'm out of ideas.
> My problem, in a nutshell, is this:  I have an nVidia GeForce4 MX card.
> When I run "startx", X appears to start happily enough.  We have a brief
> scroll of text, the flash of the video-mode change, and the whine of
> the monitor as it adjusts.  The problem is, the screen goes black.
> I don't mean "blank", as in, nothing drawn on it.  I mean "black",
> as if it had been switched off.
> You know the "backlit" effect you get when your console goes into dpms
> or powersave or whatever: it's blank, but when you turn out the lights
> in the room, you can still see that it's "light"?  None of that here.
> The screen is completely black, but the monitor power-LED says it's still
> on (green; not even in its own powersave mode, which is orange...)
> Moving the mouse, typing at the keyboard have no effect.  The only way
> I can get my console back is with ctrl-alt-backspace, and then switching
> the monitor off then on again.  (I can ctrl-alt-F? VT-switch, but that
> also requires me to turn the monitor off then on again to get a picture).
> I'm running X from CVS (March 24), XF86Config generated for me by
> "XFree86 -configure", hand-edited by me to remove a few warnings in
> XFree86.0.log (ie. it was warning about using auto-detected HSync and
> VertRefresh (which were the correct values from the monitor manual),
> so I explicitly set them to silence the warnings.  That sort of thing).
> XFree86.0.log now contains no warnings, never contained any errors.
> I'm using the "nv" driver (of course), but not the "NVIDIA" module (at the
> time I was downloading all this stuff, I got the impression that the NV17
> wasn't yet supported.  As an aside, if I'm wrong here, I'd love to be told
> so...).  My system is Slackware Linux 8 with kernel 2.4.18 and glibc-2.2.4,
> both built (repeatedly) within the last few days.
> My motherboard is the VIA KR7A with the KT266A chipset, my CPU is an AMD
> Athlon XP, I have 512MB DDR RAM;  I've built the kernel with and without
> AGP support, with and without APM support (currently APM support but no AGP).

   CVS from March 24 should be fine.  The driver has trouble figuring
out which head you're on sometimes:

(II) NV(0): Detected CRTC controller 0 being used

  You might try the other controller with

Option "CrtcNumber" "1"

   in the Section "Device" as described in the man page.
As for the "nvidia" driver, that supported NV17 since version 2802
and some earlier board board designs since 2313.  If you wish to
use AGP with this though you'll need to at least disable 4 meg
pages (pass mem=nopentium to the kernel) due to AGP+AMD issues in
Linux kernel.


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