/ Egbert Eich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| It is not a bug. Or at least not in the driver. It is the BIOS that's
| doing things wrong.

I really appreciate your efforts to help work around the problem.

| Yes, the option is in there, now. 
| It is called "FpDelay" and can have the range -2 to 5.
| Please let us know which values work for you best.

-2 works best, but it's not enough. If those are pixel values, I think
something like -12 would work better.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Is your cucumber bitter? Throw it away.
http://nwalsh.com/            | Are there briars in your path? Turn
                              | aside. That is enough. Do not go on to
                              | say, 'Why were things of this sort ever
                              | brought into the world?'--Marcus
                              | Aurelius
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