>For specific examples of how this can be used, see  
>http://medical.nema.org/dicom/2001.html/01_14PU.PDF  or Barten's book
>Contrast Sensitivity of the Human Eye and Its Effects on Image Quality
>Then follow the references to track down other major researchers on this
>R Horn

I found the correct link at http://medical.nema.org/dicom/2001/01_14PU.PDF 

Thank you for the information. As I'm working on medical viewers people often ask me 
how many gray scales are needed.
Some people even doubt that more than 8 Bit (256) gray scales are necessary.
But typical radiological images often come with 10 Bit (1024) gray scales.
If you have a display and a video card that can display distinguishable 1024 grays 
that would be invaluable.

BTW I have read that Matrox's Parhelia supports "Gigacolor" with 10 bit per color 
channel. And Martox claims that you can view over 1 billion colors (it was "über eine 
Milliarde" in German, that's one billion in American English, isn't it?).

And Sun's XVR 1000 has a 30 bit color deep frame buffer, but that's for Sparcs only.

My investigations in OpenGL have revealed that there is a graphics format that 
supports 10 bit per color channel and 2 bit for the alpha channel, that is 32 bit 
altogether. So I don't know whether that can be used for the framebuffer and how 
drivers could support that.


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