Hi Mark,
thanks for your reply.

On Tuesday 25 June 2002 03:27, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm using Linux and XFree for quite some time now and I'm a big fan of
> > it. However, there is one bug that has always annoyed me. When I resize a
> > window under XFree then it can take a long time until the content of this
> > window is redrawn.
>     This has little to do with the X-server.  Many window managers do not
> optimize window resizes well (they aren't compressing the events) and
> many clients do not handle exposures very well.

That's possible and it might also be responsible for a part of resizing 
slowness, but I think that what Owen explained in his reply is exactly what I 

> I don't think there's
> much on the X-server side that can make up for that.
> > Another thing that I've noticed is that when moving a window from left to
> > right or vice versa the window is split along a line and the upper part
> > of the window is drawn at a slightly different position than the lower
> > part. This splitting line is always at a different position. I think this
> > happens because X doesn't synchronize with the horizontal screen refresh.
> > X should wait until the screen refresh is finished before changing the
> > frame buffer so that only a consistent picture is brought to the screen.
> > In case I got something wrong here than I would like to apologize for it.
>    Window moves shouldn't synchronize with the refresh rate because
> of the performance penalty it would impose.  All other rendering would
> be suspended until the next retrace whenever you wanted to move a
> window.  

Hmm, what I first thought about was to synchronize the double buffer swapping 
with the screen refresh, similar the way it is done in OpenGL. As far as I 
know most toolkits use double buffers and such a db swap is also very fast. 
However, I'm not sure if that would help when moving a window? But if window 
moves would be synchronized with the refresh rate why would all other 
rendering be suspended until the next retrace? I also don't think that there 
would be a large performance penalty, since the worst case delay time would 
only be 1/80 second.

> This shearing effect can mostly be eliminated by sychronizing
> your pointer sampling rate to the refresh rate.  Just set you pointer
> sample rate to 80 Hz and also your refresh rate to 80 Hz and you will
> find that all mouse-driven operations will appear much smoother.

OK, I'll try that. Thanks for the tip.

>    Also, given that the X-server is a user-space app.  Synchronizing
> blits with the retrace is typically not possible on most hardware.


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