
I'm rewriting this mail, got some troubles while sending it.....

I've posted a question about colormap in this mailing list, regarding tinyX.

Well, I've compiled it, runned it, Xfbdev -broadcast, and I get the *wrong* 
colormap. Compiled it for ARM and x86 target, tested in ARM hardware and 
Athlon, both get the same *wrong* colormap.

I got a snapshot from my ARM hardware for sending it to this mailing list 
with the hope to show you, guys, the fancy colors I get. Ok, ok... stupid 
me, the indexes are ok, so you will be seeing the right colors.

My ARM box has Linux 2.4.13 with framebuffer 640x480x8, with busybox. I'm 
starting Xfbdev from a rc script (suggested in this mailing list), and it is 
running in another tty (I can switch back and forth from X to text console, 
ctrl+alt+F1 and ctrl+alt+F2).

I've looking at fbdevPutColor and fbdevGetColor, in fbdev.c . Did some 
changes, even took away all the code! yes, just leave {}, and nothing 

I hope some kindly soul in this mailing list gives me some hints. There's no 
doc about kdrive (only source code, didn't find anything in the web), and I 
want to spend some time trying to fix this... but need some help from you.



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