On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Tothwolf wrote:

> I have a pair of Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM PCI (aka Stealth 64 Video) boards
> that I am attempting to get working with the 4.2.0 S3 driver. These cards
> use a S3 968 chipset and an IBM RGB 526 ramdac.
> The current S3 driver in 4.2.0 appears to lack some support for the RGB
> 526, but does have support for the 524. The S3 driver in 3.3.6 supports
> the 526, but it appears to simply treat the 526 as if it were a 524. The
> server status messages from 3.3.6 also incorrectly show the 526 as a 524:
> (--) S3: Detected an IBM RGB524 ramdac rev. c0
> (--) S3: Ramdac type: ibm_rgb524
> Is anyone familiar enough with the S3 driver to be able to give me some
> pointers as to what I'll need to do in order to get the 526 working? I
> tried simply adding the 526 to the list of supported ramdacs, but that got
> me little more than a dead screen, requiring a reboot.

The XFree86 developer FTP site (which appears to be unavailable at
the moment) has the register specs for the RGB 526, including about
3 pages describing the differences from the 524.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] may be able to give you access to this document.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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