thnx for the replies.

Unfortunatly neighter the clock-setting nor dpms-options cure the problem in 
my case. I actually don't have the feeling that my hardware is defect. Up to 
now I never never had a problem with my TFT-LCD or the CT65545-chip. All 
other OS installations (with all the versions of xfree that I mentioned) had 
not shown this behavior. Only gentoo-Linux compiles xfree-4.2.0 from sources 
and no matter what I do - my screen always goes blank. At the beginning I 
didn't use the dpms-option at all. But I added it to my config because under 
debian everything worked fine with xfree-4.1 and the dpms-option. (I sent the 
debian-config the last time... It was generated automatically..)
When I add the "Option "dpms" "off"", than the /var/log/xfreeblabla.log says:
(**) Option "dpms" "off"
(**) CHIPS(0): DPMS enabled

I tried "xset dpms force off" in blind flight at Console CTRL+ALT+F7.
It didn`t help neighter. (I don't know how to send this command from a 
console where I can see an answer. But obviously he took all commands because 
"exit" finished the xserver.)

So. It's not the clocks setting. (I sent the clocks-config and var/log the 
other time..) and it seems that dpms doesn't do it.

If there were a way to use the svga-server of xfree-3.3.6 in xfree-4...this 
would be nice. But OK. I don't undertand much about this.. ;-)

greetings.. merci beaucoup.

Le mer 11/09/2002 à 12:36, Markus Klein a écrit :
> So I tried the XFreeConfig-4 from Debian and I set up a new XFreeConfig-4
> with some Clock-Setting-Options...........
> And you know what: I still have the same problem like at the beginning !!
> The screen becomes white slowly after 1..3 secondes. It seems like
> overcharging. With both configs. No matter what I do.

I have an old laptop with a Chips&Tech card, running xfree3 (redhat6.2),
and the same behavior started to happen after 2 years of intense use.
IMHO it's the chip starting to fail, not a software problem.
I bound a key to "xset dpms force off", it cures the problem.

However the other person who responded to you could also be correct
and that it is a DPMS problem. The fact is that some 6554x's have 
the pin that is used to turn the panel off reconfigured as an address
line. Thus there is no way to turn the panel backlight off when
DPMS sets the vertical refresh rate to zero. The laptop manufacturer
then requires another means to turn the backlight off in DPMS, usually
via BIOS that the chips driver is not set up to use. Try with the DPMS
options. I can't remeber the format of this option though, so try

Option   "DPMS" "off"

or maybe removing the DPMS options from the config completely disables

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