On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Andrew P. Lentvorski wrote:

> > This is the problem.  Please read point 1. of section 4. in
> > README.Solaris.  You need to install the aperture driver.

> Argh.  Somehow my brain managed to mangle the meaning of the third
> paragraph.  I think it was the mention of "Solaris x86 2.5" followed by
> "For older".  Mea culpa.

> As a side note, your comments about the 64-bitness aperture driver clash
> with Section 3 Point 1 Paragraph 3 of the README.Solaris file:

> "On SPARCs, regardless of the compiler you use, ensure it generates 32-bit
> binaries.  At this time, 64-bit binaries will probably not work."

> This comment was the reason why I specifically chose gcc 2.95.3 rather
> than going to a newer version which would have a better shot at 64-bit
> binaries.

My "prohibition" against 64-bit applies to userland only, and is a
consequence of the current XFree86 source code.  The aperture driver
however is part of the kernel's context, and must run in a 64-bit

Assuming GCC 3.* supports 64-bit ELF binaries, I would still expect it to
default to 32-bit (like Sun's compiler does).  If that's not the case,
I'll need to make changes.

> In addition, the README.Solaris spends an awful lot of lines on
> "unsupported" VT-switching before even getting to XFree86 compiling
> and configuration.

> Perhaps the whole README.Solaris needs a good, solid rewrite to match the
> current state of XFree86.

I completely agree.  What's there now is simply a Q&D evolution of what
was there before.  (You know:  us developers don't fancy writing docs,
right?)  If you have something better, send me a patch against


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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